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The Rise of China and the development of State Capacity in Africa and Latin America

28 de novembro de 2017 | 16:00 - 18:00

BRICS Policy Center (BPC) tem o prazer de convidar para o seminário “The Rise of China and the development of State Capacity in Africa and Latin America”, organizado pelo seu projeto Unidade do Sul Global para Mediação (GSUM), a ser realizado na biblioteca do BPC* no dia 28 de novembro, 2017, às 16h. A palestra será ministrada pela Prof. Benedict Bull (Universidade de Oslo) e terá mediação pela Prof. Claudia Fuentes(IRI/PUC-Rio e pesquisadora do GSUM).

“China is now a major actor in global development, and through its development aid, investments, trade and lending, it wields considerable influence in large parts of the world. The seminar will present a discussion based in a homonymous paper that argues that while Chinese development interventions have highly diverse impacts in different geographical contexts, they tend to strengthen the elites that are in power – whether in government or those supporting it from the outside. The extent to which Chinese policies contribute to strengthening state capacity depends on the incentives and visions that elites possess for strengthening state capacity. The session will also provide an understanding on the success of the Chinese development model and how it relates with the notions of democracy, development and to the hegemony of the neo-liberal state on the capacity of state institutions and state legitimacy in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.”


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O evento será ministrado em inglês, sem tradução simultânea.


*BRICS Policy Center – Rua Dona Mariana, 63 – Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro 


28 de novembro de 2017
16:00 - 18:00
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